My settings are sending using smtp and gmail everything is working fine when it comes to sending the...
Hello! Please advice me how to connect two tables within database - Company and Employees. First, yo...
So besides a functional application I also want my source view to look a bit more decent. However I...
Hi, I'm using Confide package from Zizaco. I have problem with redirect to login page when user is n...
I want to create a custom package for laravel 5.3 but I get the error It's my first time doing this...
Hello, I'm trying to authenticate users from a ASP.NET API to a laravel application. Basically when...
As the title says, for some reason when using DB::raw and an alias within DB::raw the alias name (fo...
Hello, I'm trying to create feature, that would list all files in specified directory, and echo out...
In laravel documentations I vividly see:
Hi, I want to create admin panel in my project. Please provide me steps for admin panel creation Tha...
Hello. If there any way to specify guard to route group in 5.3? I've found a solutiion here, http://...
i dont know why......... thats my route.php <?php /* |------------------------------------------...
select * from (select * from messages_history order by created_at desc) x WHERE sender_user_id =...
Basically I have this problem which keeps occuring. Once a user subscribes, it all works fine. He ca...
laravel4 app/models/User.php not exist namespace so php artisan tinker > (new User); is worked l...
Hi, in my application i installed the laravel authentication controllers and routes via artisan make...
Hey, quick question. Laravel enforces naming conventions on its Models. If you name a Model "Us...
I work with jobs to send back webrequests (GET) to urls a user defined. To save load of my server I...
i am using laravel 5 , i have created an abstract class visitor and has an abstract method showProfi...
Hi, im using Sentinel in my project. I am new with laravel, and i need some explanation regarding Se...
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