Hi everyone. This is a link to a tutorial that shows you how to create a Laravel 5 RESTful API as th...
I am working with Laravel 5. here all working well for route '/' but when i am defining another rout...
Hello, I have two applications on my local server: [A] http://site.local and [B] http://api.local. T...
Hİ guys, There isn't service folder in My Laravel Project; http://hizliresim.com/MJ6qo6 How Can I So...
Hello I've recently had the need of firing events when update() or delete() methods on QueryBuilder...
I am using Beanstalkd, and I want to queue particular types of jobs to different tubes (mail to one,...
Hi, Is it possible in Laravel 5.2 to have two listeners listening to just specific queues only, so f...
laravel/framework master 1bd59e5: Applied CS fixes from StyleCI @GrahamCampbell 21123c8: merge @tay...
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, as this is a bit complex for me... but this worked fine for me f...
Hello, I'm having trouble with my routes in laravel but I'm a beginner so please I'd like your help...
Hello, We have some troubles with our developer... Can you please give us some info about the salari...
I am building simple CRUD laravel aplication. To manage applications items i am using views index.bl...
I am trying to understand why something works. I have a user model and within it I state that a User...
I am currently trying to insert the value of fields to a table. However, this error keeps coming up:...
I'm planning to remove @yield in my default.blade.php when the user is authenticated. How can I do t...
Hi guys, I've released a package called Modulair Router. I would like to ask you check it out and gi...
The following error appears only when I try to access the root page without putting a trailing slash...
New to Laravel. Not sure I understand the difference between these two configuration methods. I'm...
I'm using Laravel 4 and I'm trying to send to a gmail account base64 encoded image but it doesn't di...
in CodeIgniter, there is a way to make a multi app in same CodeIgniter Installation . http://www.cod...
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