Hi, I'm having some difficulty using Commands and Queues with a Laravel 5.0 project. I've used Jobs...
HI everyone! Recently I read this article https://michaelstivala.com/refactoring-advanced-eloquent-f...
I have a case where I need to maintain some values of a user locally while there are default values...
Hi having some problems with exception handling, first one is unrelated to PHP version and the other...
I'm trying to get the error message to show when I attempt to login with the wrong username and pass...
Total Laravel newb here. Just taken a few tutorials. We're currently on Media Temple Grid - and I wa...
I have a table in my view with 2 options to move that row up or down the table. I have made a sort_i...
Written with StackEdit. I was happy with laravel 4.2 until i upgraded to 5.2, By the way i wanted...
I have 2 models class BrandModel extends Model { protected $table = 'brand'; public functi...
To all Spark users on the forum I know that Laravel Spark is used for subscription based web applica...
I will create a edit function in my Conroller So I have the following function public function edi...
Hello, I tried to search for answers to my questions and well couldn't find anything after hours of...
Hi, when I would get a variables from .env file using env() function, always returns null. I tried c...
Hi! I'm creating an app where I'm using a User model that represents Hotels. The columns for these h...
Hi, I am using Zizaco/entrust for managing roles/permissions of users. I have users with admin,super...
Hey, So, I was following a tutorial to get Laravel up & running, and I did everything it asked....
Hi, I'm using the Route::resource for my posts. How do I pass an array of values with checkboxes, fr...
I need to have some PHP functionality - connect to simple databases to display table info via css -...
Hi All, I am developing a website application and running code that can take up to a few minutes. In...
so i want to expand my site to have like region site, so when user open my site it will be ask to se...
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