I've used davejamesmiller/laravel-breadcrumbs previously and when it came time to use it again in my...
I'm using Laravel 4 and I'm trying to change the laravel blade link to use a normal html link. My bl...
How should I set this file ? APP_ENV=local APP_DEBUG=true
Hi, I started with a new application, but I struggle with setting up my Models and Relations. Let me...
Hi, I am having problems saving the Multipart Image sent from Android application to laravel. As soo...
Hi there, i created a generator of Bootstrap 3 progress bars based on dates, i use it to show the ex...
Hello, i made a simple email form, and when I send i've this error : ErrorException in DiskKeyCache....
Hi, I’m a web apps developer. I’m facing problem by some black head hacker. I had developed a site u...
New to Laravel, My form looks like this {!! Form::open(array('action' => array('SearchController...
Howdy all, I'm currently building a dashboard for an order system Ive been building in L5(first proj...
Hi I'm iqra, I'm a newbie in laravel, I want to run a query like this SELECT vote, slug, COUNT(*) FR...
I've got a model called Provider and one called Service. A Service has a one-to-many relationship wi...
can i login using auth::attempt without hash the password ? i already have the database users from m...
I have a custom PHP script I use for environment restores. This script is inaccessible via HTTP and...
In the docs, I see DB::table('users') ->where('id', 1) ->update(array(...
Hi there folks, I am having a problem on Laravel, since I am a newbie on Laravel Framework, I am wat...
I've set up two different laravel apps and no matter what I put in the routes file it will only load...
I have a table that has dates (test_date) and (next_due). For the last entry (most current / descend...
Hi Everyone ! I omeone here can give me the link or directly end the laravel.phar file 'cause I have...
Hi I received this error (error log) when I try to access my website in production. mod_fcgid: stder...
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