Hi everyone. Actually the question is already asked here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2289049...
I'm very new to middlware, and I'm trying to grasp my head around it, and I have a particular use ca...
So I have several packages where I have setup my publishing to work based on tags. So, package one h...
I'm creating a Package and I want to offer the possibility of change the Alias. public function...
I tried to use the ENUM fields for PostgreSQL in the database migration of Laravel. $table->enum(...
New to Laravel in general, but have been gobbling up everything I can get my hands on.. Trying to do...
The docs show: <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Auth; use Illuminate\Routing\Controller...
Hi, I'm trying to create a login form with laravel 4.2 using the default Authprovider. It always ret...
I have two resources "Task" and "Resource" with a pivot in between. They are ref...
Entrust provides a flexible way to add Role-based Permissions to Laravel4. PS: Even though it's not...
Hello, Let's say I have 100 jobs in the queue, I want every 10 jobs processed, the worker will sleep...
This is probably a stupid error, but I'm new to Laravel. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm...
I have defined constant app/config/constants.php file $is_local = true; if($is_local==true){ $debug...
Guys, This is an old package that we've just updated so that it can be used with L5. For those of yo...
In Laravel 5, I notice that whenever I have a form in which I wrote in plain HTML, instead of using...
Hello, I am currently developing a portal for a client. The portal should be self-hosted because the...
I'm in pivot hell. Please help. I have 3 tables I need to pivot and can't figure out a clean way to...
Hey guys, I wonder what I am doing wrong when filtering joined tables. I don´t have problem with sim...
Hi. Been "learning" Laravel (4.2). Have questions about properties; $fillable and $guarde...
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