I am using laravel homestead as my development environment. Only problem I have is that all the site...
I meet a problem when making eloquent. Now I have two tables in my database, say "Users" a...
Hello ! I have a table that contains Pages with columns (ID,Title,Parent_id) page can be root(Parent...
Hi all, For a project running Larvavel 3, I need to modify an existing query using an if statement,...
I've updated Laravel through composer but it seems not working anymore .. it does not show anything...
Woke up this morning to find my Windows 7 64-bit had rebooted itself to apply security patches, and...
Hello, I am learning Laravel and writing a pretty straightforward app. It is a database search appli...
How Validate multiple fields, two requerid, use Laravel 4.0 {{ Form::text("percent[{$key}]"...
Hi all, This is my first post here, and im new to laravel. Im very confused here, I have developed a...
Hi I have managed to run Vagrant offline and able to use "vagrant ssh" command however I c...
$image=Input::file('imageOne'); $filename = time() . '.' . $image->getClientOriginalExtension();...
I have two models Student and StudentRevision with Student model having hasMany relation with Studen...
Is there a way to count email that has been send to the address of the website
I have been looking at stapler and I think it may work for me. I am re-engineering a site that is es...
Greetings! My question is pretty straight forward, how do I use MySQL functions in an insert query u...
Hello everyone, Can somebody help me extend a new route function for my system ? I don't use laravel...
Can someone confirm that this is intended behaviour? In a model Text I have this relationship: publi...
Is this being removed or refactored? It was referenced in a recent laracast but now seems to be abse...
Today I ran a composer update and I am completely stuck with the error I am being shown: {"erro...
0 down vote favorite I have three models User.php, Profile.php, CorporateProfile.php and trying to c...
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