Hi all , I am facing the arrowchat integration issue with the laravel :( Does anyone know how to ac...
Just to say, I'm a complete newbie so apologies in advance. My client needs to move his Flash+Classi...
I have to import a fairly large data-set from a Wordpress site and I would love to fetch some data d...
I'm moving from CodeIgniter to Laravel, and I had a quick question (loving it, by the way). So, in C...
hi how do you usually querying using eloquent from database based on the value, for example you will...
I try to create facade in app in Laravel 4 like: 1- create new folder app/libraries and autoload it...
$ composer.phar update --no-dev Loading composer repositories with package information Updating depe...
I am using laravel without blade. In a view all is working and displaying except images. <html&g...
I am building a simple mobile api using Laravel 4. Is there a trick\hack to simplify the Debug stac...
SplFileInfo::getMTime(): stat failed for 9/app/storage/sessions/efca54e18458251fd5a9e9bfbacf2c31c9a9...
Hey Guys! I am working on a project for a client where he wants laravel to be the backend to an iOS...
I am trying to use Entrust for one of my projects. I want to figure out how to do this. For my appli...
In Laravel's configuration, there is an APP_URL variable in the app.php file. Assuming my yaml file...
Hello, I want add a module RTMP for nginx but I need to use ./configure command for install the modu...
I have 1 year to build final degree project. what do you think? it's enouge time to do so? I'm soft...
I meet with one ReflectionException error when running a command. And it seems it's related to a sin...
how can i add the text i add here: return App::abort(403, "THIS TEXT"); in the response o...
Hi, I have this route: Route::get('/develop/building/{building_id}', ['as' => 'develop.building',...
Hello, I'm using Baum nested sets to create parent - child categories and relate my categories with...
Hi, In my app every controller method return a view object like this: $rslt = View::make($this->l...
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