Hello all - I'm looking to create a game scheduler for sports. I have two tables: teams: id name g...
Hey folks, I started a Stack Overflow question about this but I thought I'd see if anyone here might...
hi,i want write login page .. i have login.blade.php and i have one table 'users' by this column : I...
I'm using polymorphic relationships. I've just realized they wasn't working due to fully qualified n...
Hi guys, on one of my site that i've builded with laravel 4.1, i've something strange with select da...
this is code in route Route::post('form-submit', function(){ //get all inputs $inputs = Input::a...
Hello all, i know that this is global problem with the Auth::attempt , but when i saw other peoples...
I'm building an app, where there are several subdomains, and I use a beforeFilter to check if the su...
The following is just an example:Take the following two models with their relationships User =>...
i'm working on script the client couldnt use composer how can i excute php artisan migrate without c...
Hi, I need to use pivot tables id as a foreign key in another table. for example i have following ta...
Hello, I want to create multi-module application (more than 4 modules - user, admin, manager, guest)...
I am building a site which allows fitness instructors to publish a timetable of classes they teach....
table name ( class name of model ) user ( UserModel ) id, name product ( ProductModel ) id, name, us...
Hi, Can anyone help me with this. I'm trying to get the file name of the file that I'm going to uplo...
Hi, I created an uploaded facility. Kindly see the the view and controller below : VIEW <form...
Hey all, I've got Laravel running on Heroku and have installed ffmpeg using composer. I can open Her...
How can i use switch case in laravel. As i have seen on other post they suggest to extend blade like...
Hello all, Currently I am working on Laravel application that uses many databases. It's organized in...
Hello, I want to use MariaDB with Laravel 5, can i use Homestead or some other VM. I tried protobox...
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