Hi, I have to list some records related to users without the given parameters. Is there any way to m...
Hello Laravel developers, I'm Kevin, leader of the InvoicePlane open source project. InvoicePlane is...
I am using phpseclib and if there is no connection to the server a "user_error" is thrown....
Hello, I am building my first laravel application, so I am quite new to laravel. After reading about...
I've searched around quite a bit and seen a few similar issues, but none quite like it. I can do vag...
I have a column already called "name" in a table "manufacturers". I want to writ...
Is there any tutorial to build a community website with Laravel?
I have this for Manufacturer seed class ManufacturerTableSeeder extends Seeder { public functio...
I am looking at using laravel for creating a new version of a for sale application i had made years...
I try to generate pdf files in homestead, but when I try to use a CSS File inside the HTML it doesn'...
I'm trying to deploy a locally working Laravel 4 project on a Strato.com-Server. Locally I can execu...
I am following a guide and it seems that the migration command neither generates the code it is supp...
hi i write a module manager for laravel, forked from https://github.com/creolab/laravel-modules but...
This issue is with respect to the password reset view (i.e., the view the user is sent to from the p...
Hi, i have problems with my session. First I have created a new session variable Session::put('name'...
Hi everyone. I am using Aliases for some of my classes in my project in App.php One alias registered...
Hi there, I have read over all the posts I can find on here about the APP_ENV, and am using the meth...
What to do to create a new project? Tried to do this: folders: - map: /Users/usernamer/Desktop/c...
hi guys There are bug on this code. http://laravel.io/bin/aaqk8 Why there is bug this code? Thanks i...
$number= Input::get('count'); //send number 4 $text = "hello"; fo...
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