Hi everyone :) I have just started using ProcessWire, and I really do think it is a great CMF. The o...
Hi, I'm trying to use Goutte to do some scraping but getting stuck when accessing an array of URLs w...
Hi; I have set up Vargant but when I go to the url I see this This is my bootstrap.sh: vagrant@prec...
Hi guys, I wanne run my command every minute i made: generate:xml In the console it works fine, but...
Anybody help me composer already install but problem when type command(composer) by Git bash then sh...
I wanna make a plugin API in my app. Something like wordpress. I'm thinking of giving certain method...
Heya, I've been playing around with dependency injection to make things like this mockable: public f...
I'm new to Laravel and Git and want to use the two together. I'm developing locally on my Mac with...
I am using Goutte with Guzzle + Dom Crawler to create a webscraper in Laravel. I would like to crawl...
Hey, i have a question: i have a game server, and i have an api that retrieves the players online. I...
Hello! I have a controller where I get some data form DB. I retrieve created_at(timestamp) from tabl...
I am going to implement multiple social auth (facebook, github...) options for a website. I have alr...
I've found myself understanding relations the best with pictures, so insteat of explaining the relat...
I am using artdarek/oauth-4-laravel for OAuth. Twitter's Api v1.1 has some nodes which can be access...
I'm getting this error, and not sure why! I have the following form: {{ Form::open( [ 'url' => '...
Hello! I am making an app with laravel 4 and I should do login with google account. I have successfu...
Hi guys, I have a problem, I am making website which has several languages, the URLs of the same act...
Hi guys, how far can I go with presenters? Would something like: public function presentUrl() { retu...
Hello, When i'm trying to run php artisan db:seed i get this error: [ErrorException] Argument 1 pass...
Hi, I'm Julien from http://www.laravel.fr/ From day 1, my goal was to gather French speaking poeple...
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