Hi! I'm currently trying to run one instance of Laravel on multiple domains and my route file looks...
Hi all, I have 3 tables: companies, schedules and companies_schedules. I want in the companies_sched...
A little tutorial I made, thought I'd share this here! Posting scheduled, random tweets with Laravel...
Hi; 1 - What is the difference between Service and Repository? 2 - What is business logic with a few...
Hi all, i have a simple eloquent query and want to count multiple stats. $folder = Folder::whereUser...
Hello my friends, I am the problem in the function. every time when you press it returns me the cont...
Is there a way to access data from a query in a page layout? For example, I would like to get the to...
I'm making a site, where I have different entities that share data like graphics (these entities hav...
Hi! When you add a new column to a table using the generator, eg: ' php artisan generate:migration a...
Greetings to the increasingly large community Laravel. Today I had a problem. I was making a voting...
Dear friends, I'd like to use one internal image for the background of my layout, but I wouldn't lik...
Hi! Lets say I have a user-table and create migrations files, eg '2014_05_09_223908_create_users_tab...
I found 2 laravel packages for using datatables: https://github.com/bllim/laravel4-datatables-packa...
Well basically that, when trying to rollback my last migration artisan throws the following error: P...
Hi there, Struggling to get my head around this one, I am trying to get the SUM if a relationships c...
Seeing the latest changes of the User Model and User Authentication in the latest versions of Larave...
In my Laravel installation I have a need for the users to add extra form fields within the create fo...
How I can acces my other folders in public folder?? Example i put a folder (public/proceduralphp) a...
Hi All, I am trying to create a relationship between a used by many Ribbon and a User however I want...
##Summary## I am building a music discovery service. My question is: How do I insert data into the t...
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