So here is a conundrum I have been pondering for quite some time now, it's not strictly Laravel rela...
I'm creating a subnavigation with childs in childs. And i would like to know how i can optimalise th...
I have tried to make a dynamic route by below code: Route::get( '/test', function() { return Route::...
Is there a Laravel way of getting a list of only the form fields where the value of the field has ch...
Hi, I have, say, 'User' model that has many 'Addresses'. Both User and Address models have fields wi...
Hi all, mainly those Filipino artisan. We are currently developing a site with Laravel 4 + Backbonej...
Hi Ive create a Route filter to check is the user is on a subscription. Im not trying to change the...
What am I doing wrong ? please advice ? Controller public function getHotelgallery($hotel) {...
Hi, So I'm working to setup laravel on my local system for development. Following along the guides t... In this code I'm trying to test the store method, which is called after p...
Hi all, i have a group of url that i want route. I have a field in my db called "permalink"...
Hello everyone! I actually struggle trying to add elements to the DOM using jquery. The data I want...
Hi there, I have a view that shows a list of "things". Each "thing" has a checkb...
I've got three tables, dates, and composite dates (and a pivot table). A date can be in many composi...
I'm curious how you guys structure the controller's response on an ajax call? I usually don't use th...
Im not sure, but i think in the past, when i used timestamps() in my migration, laravel automaticall...
Hi guys! My cron jobs where working perfectly when I accessed the url and dumping the return of Cron...
Hi I'm developing a site that will allow registered users to 'navigate' and view content (office doc...
To allow for proper unit tests, it is recommended to avoid using Facades. How can I access Session i...
I'm building a threaded forum using closure tables. I have two tables, Paths and Comments, set up li...
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