$expiresAt = Carbon::now()->addSeconds(20); Cache::put($key, $data, $expiresAt); This doesn't se...
Hi guys, I'm new to Laravel and enjoy to play with it. But I stuck almost 2 hours on using query bui...
Hi, guys, I am trying to implement event driven design for my apps. The problem I bumped in is how t...
It would be awesome if this forum had live preview of markdown when you are creating a thread - just...
I am wanting to host multiple laravel projects as subfolders within a domain, so for one project the...
I am in the planning stage of an app that will require fine control of permissions. What I mean is,...
i have some little complex sql query ,i want run in laravel ,i do like that \DB::connection('models'...
Perhaps this should go into github, but I will let it know here first to hear your opinion. Given th...
In the Laravel Api ,When I type a search query ,the ajax results just pop up , but when I select one...
Hey guys, I have been working with Laravel for a couple months now, getting a good grasp of the fram...
Hi - pretty discouraged really. I am about 10mins into Laravel and the Quickstart tutorial fails. ht...
Hi - I'm a Total newbie to composer and L4. I ran composer as per the instructions expecting L4 to b...
Hi, I am trying to implement some basic database caching but I am running into some difficulties. I...
Hello! Where, in your opinion, is better positioned to work with logic models. Working with models i...
I am using a restful controller like so: Route::resource('objectives', 'ObjectiveController'); but I...
I come from a security testing background and am building a webapp based on Laravel 4. I'm looking i...
I'm more and more looking at working with a combination of phpspec for unit testing and codeception...
Here : Laravel-route-parameters There is a missing semi-colon(;) at the end of "Passing An Arra...
hey guys , i installed composer and laravel, it went well until i got this message: class route not...
Hi, I want to use the laravel's encypt fucntion to encrypt my password field so for that i need to...
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