Hey guys i want to create product card component for using everywhere in site. I included it like th...
How can i get the device and browser from user_agent Like $device->user_agent->browser blade @...
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Hello, i tried to dd($__data) in my mail templete blade view, but it is not working. Do someone have...
When i insert data in database with sign up register page, it shows me the same page without passing...
Hi to all. I'm trying to develop an application with Backend made with Laravel and frontend made wit...
So I have creted my group in web.php `Route::redirect('/', '/it'); Route::group(['prefix' => '{lo...
I'm trying to validate a request from form and appear a problem, not showing error messages on the v...
I have setup blog and its' database with form submitting.It works all fine.The blog grid view also w...
Hello everyone. I add some text into mysql using textarea. I guess it keeps the text with CR/LF symb...
Hello guys, Well it could sounds stupid but.. how to DO NOT execute directive in a blade template ?...
Hi, I'm using PhpStorm 2016.3.3 version and in my dashboard.blade.php file, I have the following cod...
Simple one here. I have image paths in my table. The images are in /public. I would call those paths...
Good morning, I'm new with Laravel. I want to show my application name on some Blade templates. I've...
Hi, I'm trying to use @yield for my page titles, that way I could simply @section A Cool Title @stop...
I can't use Html, Form helper in Laravel 5.
In Laravel documentation I have found: Echoing Data After Checking For Existence, but it is not work...
Hi all, I have a problem with passing an id of data to PATCH method from blade file.. I have an inde...
To be honest I'm not exactly sure how to ask this but I'll do my best. I have my master.blade.php wh...
What is the best approach to display data in Alphabetical order using Laravel. what is the best way...
I have a table(displayTable) that display data from my db of am using laravel on the i have a link...
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