Hello! I have two models: articles and comments. In a view 'article.show' i have a form that creates...
I'm running CentOS 6 with Plesk 12.5, and I've installed PHP 5.5.30 for my domains within Plesk... b...
Hello, When I need details tables without laravel I use a pk compound column, however I was reading...
Hi this is my system os windows php 5.5 i have a project from a friend and it was working well on th...
I'm building a kiosk app which centers around managing footage which is stored on a shared drive. If...
Hey guys, I've started up with Laravel last week and want to deploy my projects with Git. I haven't...
I have a user, user_relationship, and term table. I have a belongsToMany function in my User relatio...
Good day.. Hi guys. I know this is one the basic features in laravel but I'm kinda stuck here. I'd l...
I use Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop with LAMP. When creating new Laravel project, it showed this message &quo...
Hello there! I have a Laravel 5.1 site that works well on my localhost. I then tarball the files, an...
$employee=Employee::create([ 'name' => $request->get('name'), 'lastname' => $request-...
By using this Password reminders and reset in Laravel 4 tutorial I tried to add "forgot passwor...
I've installed homestead, and it runs good, no errors, but i decided to work with it not via ssh but...
In a fresh Laravel build, I cannot get overridden IoC bindings to work everywhere in the application...
Hi Guys. I was running my laravel project just fine in localhost, but now that I updated my files t...
Hi- Yes, this is another deployment thread. I tried hard to resist creating yet another one. I am...
Hello Everybody I want to say I am very impressed with laravel blade and eloquent and I come from a...
hello i can't find .env file in root dir of my workspace and iwant to create one Failed to rename fi...
Hi guys, I have a problem with the sessions on the shared hosting. I developed an app on a local ser...
Hi, I've set up Laravel Homestead and everything works fine. But when I add hhvm: true to the Homest...
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