I used two classes here they are : Schema::defaultStringLength(150); View::share('channels',Channel:...
Trying to get Laravel Cashier to work when adding a payment. Following everything as instructed in d...
I have a button called "Buat SPT". I just want this button call my controller called Admin...
I changed "laravel/framework": "5.6.*", to "laravel/framework": "...
I know L5 isn't even in alpha yet, but that shouldn't stop us from playing with it. :) I created a n...
ENVIRONMENT Mandate to stay within the laravel/vue/php/mysql stack. Single Page Vue.js/Laravel appl...
Can someone suggest html to pdf converter? ty
Im getting the follow up error "Class 'Martins\ArtisanGUI\ArtisanGUIServiceProvider' not found&...
I have installed Gulp and Laravel Elixir. When trying to execute gulp or gulp watch I get the follow...
I have recently upgraded my project from Laravel 5.1 to 5.4. Everything is working fine except for f...
Greeting guys, I'm just about to start developing my very first Laravel Package using v4.2 & enc...
hi, I want to import a excel file. So in controller i do : $reader=Excel::load('storage/app/uploads/...
public function postCreate() { $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), Product::$rules); if ($...
Model <?php namespace App\Entities; use Laravel\Cashier\Billable; use Prettus\Repository\Contr...
Hi. I's a simple question. If I have something like this in my service provider: public function boo...
Hi I'm using laravel 5.1 and I need to send text messages. I had a look at simple sms but they have...
I'm fairly sure I have this multitenancy functioning part of the time but it's not working for 1 spe...
I get from here : https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-dompdf My controller is like this : public fun...
So here is the thing, there is account section on left side of my page, I'm calling account from a f...
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