I want to make a system familiar with "Save" button like Reddit. Any ideas would be apprec...
Hi lista I am development a app to connet Laravel 6 with Moodle web service. I read this instruction...
Hello, Is there anybody there that implemented an custom guard in laravel 5.x using fusionauth.io I...
gheinrich19 liked this thread
Dear fellow developers, I created an open source package which automates and simplifies Bootstrap fo...
msayib liked this thread
Adding a string of spaces to your HTML only to have them disappear because of the way HTML handles s...
Okay. Here my problem. I have command which i setup to run in background every one minute to not ove...
I'm trying to make my notifications for Laravel 6 mail out effectively. I have a model (Event) that...
Hello, I have download a template from https://www.creative-tim.com/product/now-ui-dashboard-pro-lar...
Solution: Edit your applications's database config file config/database.php In mysql array, set stri...
Hello i am trying to use the form builders for laravel 5.2 but i keep gettign this same error even w...
Hello, Laravel 6 has been just released, and I am starting a big project with Laravel, as a startup,...
I want to create a laravel app with multiple users but I can not find a simple way to do so. Is ther...
After running composer update. I get this error in my PHP and my laravel page is blank. I can't seem...
Hello, my project is working just fine on my dev machine. On production server, thou, routing is som...
I created tests with relation the database. I setting up the gitlab-ci.yml for Laravel. When the fil...
at the time of obtaining the user it gives me invalidstateexception, I already made autoload, cache:...
Hello, my project works locally (dev) like a charm, but in production, where I did set inside the .e...
Hi All, hoping someone can help me, I am updating from version 5.7 to 5.8 and i am now having issues...
Hey, everyone. I have a notification that I send it via broadcast. the notification receives success...
I have a strange problem with a custom webshop coded with Laravel 5.7. A few customers have a probl...
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