Hello, I am currently designing the roles and permission in my website. I encounter a issue that I c...
I am dispatching an event called OrderPlaced. This event is implements ShouldQueue. In this event, I...
I recently installed a fresh copy of Laravel onto this test domain -http://laravel.so-mad.com/ using...
Hi all, related to https://laravel.io/forum/02-13-2015-difference-between-file-vs-cookie-session-dri...
use App\Authentication; Route::get('authentication/test', function(){ $auth = new Authentication();...
I have a slightly complex query that I first made in flat mysql, but I don't know how to translate a...
Hi, I've been trying to use database transactions with some static functions I created. But, is this...
Hello, i need a full screen page like press F11. I need display a Slideshow with HighCharts Graphs....
Hi everyone, newbie here. I am trying to migrate one of my old sites to Laravel so that I have acces...
If anyone interested for a Laravel developer position please drop me a message. The candidate must h...
i'm new to laravel, coming from wordpress so i need to convert some projects according to a friend a...
hello, i am developing a job website for my client. On the all jobs page there are some salary,exper...
I'm a newbie in the HTML CSS and JS. I start all of it in the laravel tutorial. And now I have a sim...
I have been using Laravel's built-in email validation for a long time, but suddenly this last week I...
Hi, I have about a hundred tests working correctly, but this one is not: public function testUpdate(...
I have a model and I have a method and also a scope that looks like this: public function scopeDue($...
Pangaea Holdings is hiring for a senior backend engineer, find out more and apply at: https://angel....
I would like to crawl a link or page within my project in laravel, I saw some tutorials but very sha...
I am using PHP Version 7 - Laravel 5.8 and "maatwebsite/excel": "^3.1". When I f...
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