Hi, I followed the doc and did: php artisan make:auth php artisan migrate then I registered a new...
I create with the CRUD System from Laravel a "Customer". I have a "Detailed" vie...
YO! Not too long time ago SAMI, https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/Sami, was archieved and thus making...
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I'm new to programming specially in Laravel, I hope you could help me. It means a lot for me. I'm no...
My env MAIL_DRIVER=smtp MAIL_HOST=s50.linuxpl.com MAIL_PORT=465 [email protected]...
Hey guys, I'm new to laravel and i have 2 tables Userand Task. Inside my Task table i have CreatorID...
I want to build a web system in laravel which will verify code from user input it may be input from...
Hi, Is it possible to do a "hasManyThrough" with "Many-To-Many" relationship (pi...
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I have the following return: 2018-10-18 02:22:35 O 2018-10-18 02:22:34 OI 2018-10-18 02:22:32 II 201...
I tried to validate data inserted into a form before storing into database. basically the model has...
I changed "laravel/framework": "5.6.*", to "laravel/framework": "...
Hey all! I am an employee with Bisnow, LLC and we are looking for a new Laravel developer to join ou...
I am looking for a long term Partner to help with the development of my web software project. This w...
Best web development company India, Yarddiant offers all type of web design and development services...
I have <div class="front" style="background-image: url(/storage/{{ $partner->image }})"> bu...
Hello, I'm sorry for my english. Jquery knowledge very little. I can't sorting in a column. This col...
Hello, how to turn this mysql query into lararel?. select qtde,base, (SELECT descricao FROM produtos...
Hello, I develop a Rest API for a project with Laravel. in this project we have an API for users sig...
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