Hi guys! I have a query in laravel that does the job in 99%. $users = \DB::table('company_user')...
Ok, really quite stuck at the moment trying to wrap my head around relationships and how best to use...
Hi guys, so i have this input from invoice_table, "order_numbers", with values something l...
Hi all, I'm relatively new to laravel so my questions may be a bit stupid. I'm working with Laravel...
Im been having this problem ever since I started developing and using gulp. My project is using the...
Hello i just installed new fresh laravel 5.4 but i am having this strange issue i added new route ad...
Hi guys, I'm having an issue with the Scheduler in Laravel 5.4. I've created a cron job to trigger t...
Hi community, I am quite new to Laravel and currently thinking about migrating a larger project base...
if I type php artisan key:generate always show this [ErrorException] file_put_contents(/var/www/html...
Hello, I'm very new to Laravel and I want to make a Login / Logout system to my admin panel without...
I have a problem with postgres connection that not respect the config in app.php at timezone. config...
// try.blade.php inside layouts file this is try.blade.php @extends('index') @section('content') <...
Hello. Im having trouble with Homestead because it is using php7 when i want it to use php5.6 The pr...
Hi.. i am new in Laravel environment and i just met problem in my first application. I made a page f...
Hi, I've been working with third party API integration where I receive a callback on a specified url...
Hello all, how Can I insert more than one value into the select tag using pluck? Form::select('peopl...
Auth isn't persistent accross pages in my laravel 5.4 installation. I've read many other posts all o...
TL;DR: Eloquent models are updating, if I dump the object the attributes show correctly, but when I...
new laravel 5.4 jubayed@localhost> php artisan migrate ~/Desktop/laravel...
How am I trying to get my main login done with the google authenticator with the package PragmaRX\Go...
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