Hi, I'm a new developer in Laravel. I made a Portfolio Management system in Personal Banking for our...
let's say the first record for adm_no: 1 , subject_id :1 and had a score of 35 and a second score fo...
I didnt get any information avbout laravel 5.4 and angular 2 documentation details anywhere..Can i g...
I try install Laravel 5, but can't find routes.php in app\Http.
Model <?php namespace App\Entities; use Laravel\Cashier\Billable; use Prettus\Repository\Contr...
Hi, anyone knows of a quiz package for Laravel (or independent)?
I have use Laravel\Cashier\Billable; use Prettus\Repository\Contracts\Transformable; use Prettus\Rep...
I am fairly new to laravel and I'm trying to build an 'add to basket' script. It consists of 3 table...
I am new to OOP and am still trying to grasp all of the concepts. I am trying to figure out how to...
Clockwork is the best package that i found to use during the development phase to make the developme...
With so many cloud providers to choose from like Google Compute Engine, Amazon Web Services, Vultr,...
im using php artisan make:auth any ideas on how to insert the user id of the current login-ed user?...
Hello! I want that after the failure of mold filling was redirected back to the anchor, but found th...
got a problem here. dunno how to fix in user.php #SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1...
Hi, I have a site where the students can visit and check the site/login to view marks/individual inv...
http://image.intervention.io/getting_st … stallation My Laravel version 5.4.15 I made according to t...
I have '/signup/select-plan' which lets the user select a plan, and '/signup/tos' which displays the...
hi guys i am new in laravel so please bear with me. im using laravel 5.4 what im trying to do is upo...
here is my code $products = DB::table('post_data') ->select('*') ->selectRaw('( 6371 * acos(...
Hi guys, I have a query like the following may be a bit complex, I am a bit of trouble to convert in...
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