About six months ago a good friend asked me to build him an online invoicing site. There are many co...
How to display last 2 month record without including display last month record.
Hi, I had Homestead 0.3.* installed on my El Capitan Mac.I installed it globally in my home director...
Hi i'm using jquery ajax form to upload img i want to display image after successfully upload but my...
0 down vote favorite First Blade View - Works fine {{Auth::user()->firstName}} {{Auth::user()->...
I'm development a API service for a fronend app, there are only JSON APIs so I think debug bar is no...
I've gone through the documentation for scheduling (https://laravel.com/docs/5.2/scheduling) and I u...
I have an old laptop and I want to use it as a dev machine to take with me when I go fishing (I don'...
My array ($response_array) is like this : Array ( [Auth] => Array ( [User...
Hi guys, I followed the instructions at https://laravel.com/docs/5.2/homestead When I run vagrant up...
Hi, I'm trying to make an uploader. Everything works fine, except the temporary filenames are saved...
sorry for the newbie question, i am trying to understand what is the proper recommended way to upgra...
Wouldn't it be great if the community of Laravel developers could showcase, and even earn money from...
Hi I am failing to insert multiple checkbox values to database. it returns the error: ErrorExceptio...
Hey guys, currently I'm looking for a way to add a column within a controller with a name, that's ba...
Hi, i have been try to mock the Carbon object end something like shoudRecive now method, but i have...
I couldn't find in the docs how to change authenticating against an email to something else. For ins...
I am rebuilding about 40 different automotive dealership websites and would like to consolidate them...
Hi Guys, Currently i'm playing with Maatwebsite Excel package, the import handlers. http://www.maatw...
I have two models: Order and Item. There is a many-to-many relationship with a pivot table linking a...
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