Hey, I'm trying to accomplish one thing using the Mail object in laravel and I can't solve one thing...
Install laravel homestead on a Windows computer is not that difficult. Just follow the Laravel docum...
[http://manudahmen.be/blocnotes2/public/] OK [http://manudahmen.be/blocnotes2/public/about] Sorry, t...
Hey All, I was wondering if someone might be able to point me in the right direction on how to catch...
Hi, I have a problem when i open my website made in Laravel 4, at the same time, with two differents...
\DB::beginTransaction(); try { //...logic.... } catch (\Exception $e)...
Hello everyone, I want to start a new project on c9.io, Now I am a beginner at laravel so I am wonde...
Hi, pls i want to generate an 8 character random key that support both alphabetic and numeric charac...
I want to get a count of records in table 'opinions', which is the relationship for my query. At thi...
I cannot get my head on how to define the tables relationships when using a pivot table having more...
Laravel HTTP Adapter Laravel HTTP Adapter is an Ivory HTTP Adapter bridge, which integrates the abil...
Hi, i have a problem, i want use ISO-8859-1 charset, but laravel does not want. i show you the probl...
I have designed a website with Laravel 4.2 , it runs correctly in my localhost (Xamp),but when I upl...
Hey, i'm doing a query in which i want to select all models with a column value smaller than their r...
Hello, My application import some large (7mb) csv files and parse them using "Maatwebsite/Larav...
When I try and run 'gulp watch' I get this error: [09:34:18] Using gulpfile /var/www/resources/mym/g...
Hi, i have an url like: "www.myapp.com/other-param" and i need to print in my view "/...
Hi Guys, I'm busy testing baum for a few hours now. I want to find a category with a specific id and...
I am not sure if it is possible to run/install vagrant (but why wouldnt it be.. i can ssh and do wha...
class UserController extends \BaseController { public function reminder(){ if(Auth::check()){...
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