While trying to setup Lumen using a sqlite database (specifically for testing), I noticed a syntax e...
I'm trying to create a new Laravel project via "laravel new project_name". Everything work...
I'm gonna need to extract insights data for a Facebook page and Google Analytics data, but I haven't...
Hi, Could anybody describe how I can use socialite in a simple site that: uses Auth for login/regis...
Hi guys. In first step i want to say i'm very beginner in programming in php and english is not my f...
In my application when a user creates a new task record there is a bubble process that can take a fe...
I followed the instructions on http://laravel.com/docs/master/upgrade#upgrade-5.1.0. There stands fo...
How can I intercept an event to handle Response? I need to handle response when the controller retur...
Hi all, I am using sentry on laravel 5 and I can't for the love of god, figure out how to publish th...
Hi all i have an issues with select the values which i created dynamic values. Here is my controller...
I ran into a bug in Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder when doing more than one union. This is what t...
Hi, i'm a new comer in Laravel. I got this problem "Trying to get property of non-object (View:...
In a Lumen application, I need to work with more databases. So, according to documentation, I have c...
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Hello, I'm using the Davi Bennun laravel push-notification (https://github.com/davibennun/laravel-pu...
Hello all, I need a help with this. basically my laravel project is good to go and is complete. but...
I'm following flynsarmys' laravel tutorial. Everything went well until the second part where I put t...
Hi all, Just hoping someone could tell me where i'm going wrong on the syntax to nest environment va...
I'm on the newer side of Laravel and am trying to setup an API. I have been following the tutorial a...
I'm connected to my remote server hosted by DreamHost.com. It's running Linux. After having created...
I set up my first server on Laravel Forge. I am trying to manually deploy from Github to the new ser...
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