Is there any resources/tutorial on How to upload multiple images using ajax? I have found jq lib: ht...
Does anyone know what is going on here? I installed via composer as instructed in the documents.
Hello as I can do, or to be set to change when I generate the paging links.? laravel that it prints...
I recently did a composer update on software that has been working. Now I am getting Cannot call abs...
Hello, guys! Help me please, sorry for my english :) I have bug with paginate, example: $products =...
Eloquent will also assume that each table has a primary key column named id. So I change it like thi...
Excuse me how can I apply filters on laravel applying its translation (en, de, es, fr) language base...
$mobiles=Mobile::select('id','name','blurb','priority') ->where('name','LIKE','%...
I'm trying to install a new package, put in on composer.json and did composer.phar update, and the f...
Hi guys, I have a problem with my own Macros. I made my own file that is call (/app/macros/
Hİ, ******Var_dump Post array(2) { ["lang"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(2) "en&qu...
I'm using Laravel 4.2. I have a custom ServiceProvider that is registered in app.php. My code wasn't...
When I try to access the Model Class from a custom Class I get Class not found Exception. I also use...
I have created laravel project on my local server. Now I have uploaded my project on web server. I h...
i implement custom pivot like this
My laravel session doesn't seem to be working. When I reload the page all session data seems to be l...
With your local meetups, how do you invite people? And how do you spread the word?
Hi. I'm trying to add some postgresql functionality to Eloquent. I've already made it so I can migra...
Hello guys, i am new in laravel. i implemented new site using this frame work and now want to add...
I have this models: class Users extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model { protected $table =...
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