Hi, I'm a newbie to Homestead. I have a simple question, what is the best method to share my works w...
how to do substring inside query if the name are kevin_001 User::where(substr('name', 0, strpos('nam...
I use Jquery File Upload for laravel but i can recevied any thing. javascript can not run. Jquery: h...
Hello folks, Input::get() method working fine with html form get method. When i m trying to get http...
I'm in the process of upgrading to 5.1 and I'm really liking the changes that have been made, and th...
Hi I'm a Dot Net Developer and I'm new to PHP also using Laravel framework I have a problem in my dr...
Hey guys, I'm following a tutorial and can't seem to run this command, not really sure why as I can'...
Can anyone please help, Thanks in advance, exception 'UnexpectedValueException' with message 'Invali...
I have been using Laravel for a couple of years now and whenever I have created a model it gets auto...
Hey laravel'ers, I recently went from running my own webserver with sqlite file to a complete vagran...
I have a queue worker which rebuilds the cache for some 50 routes every time a user submits or updat...
Hi all! Hope you can help me converting this raw sql because the converted one I have is not working...
Hey guys i am having an issue using with validation when i use my form on a mobile device. Everythin...
I have problem with gulp Installed original lightbox to vendor/bower_components/lightbox Then I want...
I've got a select list in a form <div class="form-group {!! $errors->has('primenom')...
Sorry if this has already been addressed, but I didn't find anything by searching Binary Data on the...
I'm very new to Laravel and am currently building a multi-tenant app. Basically when anyone signs up...
same configuration for localhost and live version 'illuminate/html' added manually to both. Same fo...
I implemented in laravel 5.1 reset password but i have a problem. I enter the email and get me the l...
Hi! I would like to import csv file with 100.000+ rows to my database with custom headers/fields. He...
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