Hey guys! I'm completely new to Laravel but I really like it so far :) After playing around a bit, I...
I have a questions about https requests: The example in the official Laravel4 docs doesn't work in m...
This is My code in route.php Route::group(array('domain' => '{subdomain}.'.Config::get('a...
As in the title, trans() is working totally fine on my local dev machine. On the server though, it's...
So, I think I have figured a way to do this, but I feel like there has to be a more efficient way. H...
Hi - I'm using windows 7 + Apache. to get to the default 'hello' start page i have to use: http://lo...
I'm following http://laravel.com/docs/eloquent#many-to-many Of course, with difference case. How to...
Hello everyone, I don't really know how to solve this in a 'proper' way, anything that I can come up...
I picked up development of an orphaned project using SimpleSAMLphp for SSO, and I'm trying to finish...
Hi all I would like to know if and how it's possible to use a URL like this: "site/admin"...
I'm trying to use a package to help simplify route maintenance but am running into trouble attemptin...
categories id, name products id, name products_categories id, product_id, category_id cards id, prod...
I want to get the current domain, using Request::server('HTTP_HOST') - however when I call this from...
i have a category with many products with many pictures This returns all products for a category wit...
I have the following models (example!). When deleting a tutorial I'm expecting the 'deleted' method...
In case anyone else runs into a place where you need to bring table results and get the most recent...
Hello! I'm used to debug PHP scripts in PHPStorm via xdebug. How could I debug Laravel with xdebug?...
I'm trying to use Auth functionality. The problem is that if in my view i have the following code: &...
Hi, in my template I have: @for($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {{ dd(Input::old('custom_link.0.ti...
I've got two tables products and artifacts who are in a one-to-many-relationship to each other. Now...
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