I have a routes.php /* * Web */ Route::group(['namespace' => '\Smartii\Controllers\Web'], funct...
Hi Guys, I need to get the view data i found the View::getData() method in the api but i can not cal...
Welcome Laravelians; I Spent long time dealing with laravel approach for queues and I've noticed it...
Hi, first question I cant find working answer. Laravel 4.1 ###rules public static $rules = [ 'name'...
I have got a page which queues up emails in beanstalked. The script works as intended, the emails ge...
ok so I'm looking to create a system with users and admins, who will be separate. ideally i don't wa...
Hi, I am not sure whether i posted in correct section or not. By the way, I get this error: LogicExc...
I have 3 levels blade structure: lvl 0 - master-layout - containing elements common accross all sy...
I am coming to Laravel from CakePHP. In CakePHP I could save a model and related models using a sing...
I wan't rewrite URL http://example.site/{username} for UserController@actionProfile. Ext: http://exa...
hi all, can anyone provide me script for creating auto response email?
Hi, guys... I've been trying to do some test on validation and this baffles me. Tried the min max te...
Right now on the main page I get a blank screen and when I try to run artisan I get this error messa...
Hello Guys. When i use image or mimes validation i face with this error Symfony \ Component \ HttpFo...
Hi, i tried to set table in User model like this 'protected $table = 'users_account'; ' but its...
Hi, I have a big confession to make: I have a testingproblem. These days everyone is talking about t...
Is it possible to create link to delete action which actually creates DELETE request instead of GET...
User id Role id Pemission id read update create delete Position id ###Relationships ####User...
Here you have my method, which should change an avatar. To be sure, I'll show you my form. As soon a...
I've coded tiny (1.0kb) tool alternative for Laravel.phar https://github.com/TuxLyn/Bash/blob/master...
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