I want to create fake session for dummy user in Test
Hi Folks! I'm using Laravel Valet for the quick preview of my project. But now whenever I'm trying t...
Laravel Version: 5.5.11 PHP Version: 7.1 Database Driver & Version: MySQL Description: I have...
Hi Guys! I have a controller with a create method that returns a view which doesn't exist. I get the...
I am testing that a file is remove after a response download as below: UploadedFile::fake() ->...
Hi everybody, I just started studyng the fabulous world of automated testing. Main concepts seems pr...
I am currently testing a championship tree with 16 competitors. Each competitor can be updated via a...
Laravel Version: 5.4.* PHP Version: >=5.6.4 Database Driver & Version: MySQL (Testing with S...
I want to define a factory for a post from the front end. There's no model for it. How do I make a f...
Hi, my laravel is very slow. It takes 360ms - 1.5s to load (acoording to the debug bar) The database...
I've written new repository using omnipay for x payment gateway. I've successfully written test case...
After spending hours of time trying to track down a frustrating issue with unit testing where my mod...
Hi everybody I am trying to get my first Dusk test working and got stuck. The problem is that I keep...
Currently, I'm using assertJsonStructure in order to validate the structure, but it doesn't check th...
Hello, Very strange issue, on this website: https://www.alfaloc.pt the dropdown menu doesn't show on...
while created faker how to get the user_id for the post? for example: i've created a faker for User...
Is there any package for SEO perelinkg feature, that gives web app better indexing by web crawlers...
On this page: https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/mocking It states: You should not mock the Request facade...
how to add timetamps with default value on multiple tables using migrate
Hi I'm fairly new to Laravel and the way sync handles collections or array has me stumped when synci...
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