I want to implement domain.com/section/slug format in my website.(currently it like - domain.com/sec...
I'm new to Laravel development, want to migrate some Laravel project to the new version. so downloa...
Laravel 5.5 Php 7.0 AWS 8 cpu / 16GB Docker with nginx/php inside. I have an api that serves oauth...
Hello! For some reasons I can't access data from error bag. I've assigned them to variable in view b...
Hello All, I apologize if there is a source for this information and I have missed it. I have read t...
Hello All, I apologize if there is a source for this information and I have missed it. I have read t...
I am fairly new to Laravel and I have been trying to find the best way to create a cache wrapper for...
This issue is similar to this "https://laravel.io/forum/05-28-2017-new-vue-component-not-workin...
Hi. I'm getting my posts like this... public function show($slug) { $post = Post::where(...
//Here's my Blade <div class="col-md-12"> @foreach($intraoral_examination_list as $intraoral_...
Hi, I am new to laravel and i wanted to give serial number for rows displaying in frontend where the...
AuthServiceProvider: public function boot() { $this->registerPolicies(); \Horizon::auth(...
Hello , I have a question , I am developing a website like a facebook . It will have POSTS and a Use...
I have Laravel set up and running fine on example.com. Now, I want to proxy redirect example.com/ to...
This is my test code: $this->withoutMiddleware(); $fc = factory(\App\Models\FaqCategory::class)-...
Hello, I have a generic model, let's call it a Vehicle. A Vehicle can be one of many types (Bicycle,...
Is it possible to upload 50k records through Excel in Laravel.. Currently i am facing issue its not...
I'm using Laravel 5.7 In my view, list.blade.php I have this (relevant portion shown) <?php $coun...
Good night, I'm having a problem, I wanted to check if I found the registry in the database, the but...
I'm trying to develop an Angular app with Laravel as a RESTful API, however I struggle to combine th...
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