Hi, I'm totally new in with this wonderful Laravel. I'm using Laravel 6 and customized user database...
One on My Client Use Unifonic Company SMS Getway to send OTP. Unifonic will provide PHP SDK => ht...
**I only use required but not show the validation message ** public function store(Request $reques...
I am new for API Authentication process I have wrote api but now like to add the api authentication...
I have a scheduled command that dispatches several jobs onto the queue, each which takes about 10 mi...
I've gotten myself in a pickle trying to load records owned by a user with eager loading. I know I c...
We have a one project implemented in Laravel framework(PHP) with Mysql database as backend. Now the...
Hi, The command "npm run watch" is pretty good but absolutely not suitable for the develop...
Good evening. Folks. All well. I'm a beginner in laravel. I am trying to display the authenticated u...
I used two classes here they are : Schema::defaultStringLength(150); View::share('channels',Channel:...
Hello, We have installed CinemaRex https://docs.ankitech.space/ which is laravel based for one for o...
I installed the following two Laravel packages: Laravel Users https://github.com/jeremykenedy/larave...
In laravel Mail send functionality process How to find a EMAIL ADDRESS is Live valid or Not created...
Hi forks, I would like to introduce my Laravel dashboard interface built by VueJS and ElementUI tool...
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Hi, I will save html as PDF , so I use barryvdh/laravel-dompdf package. when I style a <div> w...
Hi! Have this controller code, that wil display data in datatable with 3 buttons. But it Gives me t...
hello, I have this in my migration: `Schema::create('user_tests', function (Blueprint $table) {...
When Call ->first() which returns record, then call ->delete(), then call ->first() again,...
Laravel no longer installs for me. I have tried both composer create-project laravel/laravel my-site...
Hi, i'm using laravel 5.8. By default, Laravel uses the email field for authentication. I don't use...
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