Can we add a class or something else to a <option> in Laravel 4 ? I try to use deboostrap prop...
What is the best approach for implementing upload progress bar in Laravel? I know the following opti...
Hey, I'm new in using frameworks and I tried to figure out, how to do simple insert, edit, delete by...
How would I write the following for blade? <button type="submit" class="btn btn-w...
Hi, I have a boolean column in table. I have also added that field in $fillable in modal class. When...
I was wondering if there is any good way to treat table data as form input data. That's probably cle...
When I've made multistep forms in the past I would generally place the form data into the session so...
Save me posted everything again thought i'd share the stackoverflow post i made earlier today http:/...
How would I store <option > 's in a mulitple select like so <select name="options" multiple...
Does Input::hasFile() work with arrays? It returns false on a form I've created if the the first fil...
I'm curious as to how much escaping and input sanitizing Laravel does behind the scenes. For instanc...
My app allows users to dynamically add input fields in a form via some simple javascript. I construc...
Hi everyone, so what i want to happen is when the form is submitted, an image is uploaded and the mo...
Hello dear friends I want to upload a ".apk" file using laravel and form validation. my ru...
I have database insert for login, But when login correct username & passwors then show it ErrorE...
Hello to everybody. I've an ask for you. i've this link in my HTML: {{link_to_action('ResearchContro... Rulez provides easy way for setting up input validation r...
Hi, I use a controller function to insert datas in database and get some others datas : public funct...
Hi, lot of people create sepparate classes for each set of rules and then inject them into the contr...
there exists Route::pattern for common validation purpose. but what about i want to do common modifi...
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