My app often needs data about different categories on different places of the application, so I put...
Anybody know how create this SQL with Query builder: SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM 005_056_cola_envio...
I have created an artisan command that calls on a custom class. My custom class uses reflection to i...
Hi guys, I successfully installed Laravel4 on apache webserver using composer. It generated set the...
Hey guys I had some doubts and concerns about using an HMVC approach with Request::create() so I did...
After I ran composer update which required laravel 4.1.* all my Eloquent queries failed. The toArray...
Hi, lot of people create sepparate classes for each set of rules and then inject them into the contr...
I'm just wondering what the best practice is for a place to put one's view composers. Would most peo...
How well does Laravel (or more so PHP) handle integrating with databases where the table/column name...
In my controller I'm trying to delete a record from a table and the only message I get back to the c...
Howdy. I have nested resource controllers, like so: My issu...
Anyone knows where I could find some Laravel specific Sublime Text 3 snippets? For example creating...
Will changing the package directory name in the pubic directory break packages?. If so what is the s...
I'm currently building out a query using Fluent, and it works correctly - but I'd like to run SELECT...
what i need to do is rollback a migration i did a few days ago. is this possible? i've read the docu...
I have built a business application using Laravel that utilizes several very large datasets. There i...
Hey everyone I am dealing with a TokenMismatchException. I do know it has to do with CSRF. Here is t...
I'm trying to generate URLs on the view for some routes, so I have the freedom to change their URLs...
hi guys, i dont know exactly what should i tag for this problem. Anyway just deployed my app on a La...
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