On a fresh laravel project I would like to install jetstream as described by the documentation which...
I have a token (generated with Laravel passport) in my header while sending a request. When I want t...
Hi guys ... here i am trying to protect some of my routes. I m using socialite and it is already wor...
I have a post route in api that returns a view. I also have auth middleware. So in front end I have...
https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/passport https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/passport#frontend-quickstart Lara...
Hello, I am creating my first web app. I created 2 projects for the application using Vue.JS on fron...
rezwan-hossain, rednian liked this thread
this posted and here: https://laracasts.com/discuss/channels/laravel/homestead2testlogin-but-not-loa...
lse123, rezwan-hossain liked this thread
Hi, I am building a Rest API using Passport and have a function that can be called when authenticate...
Hi, I'm using Laravel for my Rest API with the built in vue SPA for the direct web client. I have so...
Hello everyone, I am new to laraval development Almost a week, I was stucked up in building a multi...
hariharan234567, hojatabdi liked this thread
after creation personal token php artisan passport:client --personal and $token = $user->createTo...
I have two type of users in mobile users and web users.I want to use token based authentication in w...
I am trying to customise your code to bind access token with specific IP and allow to respond if a r...
Hi everyone, I am looking for a paseto example with Graphql(Lighthouse Laravel) or how to create pas...
We learning to create a authentication system with API Laravel Authentication Passport OAuth https:/...
firtzberg liked this thread
Hi, I have a project in Laravel 7 and my register form have two checkboxes, ¿how can validate one of...
I make project in Laravel 7. I change location Http\Controllers\Auth to Http\Controllers*Admin*\Auth...
Symfony \ Component \ HttpKernel \ Exception \ MethodNotAllowedHttpException No message.. kindly ass...
Hi there, in laracasts as you already know, there's a lot of vuejs tutorials, but no reactjs, I know...
dwhyte liked this thread
Background: The only experience I have with authentication are normal form-based logins, the typical...
themustafaomar liked this thread
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