I want to create form macro, and i want to use errors message in it. how to use errors message (Mess...
I searched for "Spreadsheet" and didn't find anything here, so I thought I would post a qu...
Hello, Given I have a model with an optional 'email' attribute. When specified, it has to link to a...
My file uploading script was working previously, with the same validation rules, it has stopped work...
Hi All, I am working on a package, trying to inject "Illuminate\Validation\Factory" to __c...
Hi I am using Laracasts Form Validation Simplied (https://github.com/laracasts/Form-Validation-Simpl...
As the title states is it better to create site auth system from scratch using Laravel or use a alre...
Salam, We are using Laravel-4.2, and we are developping on linux machines, the problem is that we ha...
According to documentation (Validation): Specifying Custom Messages In Language Files In some cases,...
We know laravel has an update() method that update records through "put" http method. Ever...
Hi guys, I am working on a multi-language website where we validate the input fields. But all the fi...
Hey guys I followed this short tutorial: http://blog.elenakolevska.com/laravel-alpha-validator-that-...
I am having some trouble figuring out how to validate that an entire eager loaded query is valid bef...
Hi, I implemented validation as service, as it is described in this book https://leanpub.com/impleme...
SOLVED Accidentally had Laravel version 4.1.30 installed, installing 4.2.1 and copying Controllers,...
I am new to Laravel coming from another framework and needing some help creating a custom validation...
I want to do something similar to this: <div class="{{ $errors->first('identifier') or 'h...
Hi, First of all - I might try to do something that isn't considered good practice. If so - please t...
I have a form that allows an admin to update a user. In this form, I have a multi-select for roles....
How can I validate dynamically created form fields. My form structure is {{ form::text('works[0][&qu...
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