I am using Laravel 5.2 Package dimsav laravel-translatable 6.* This is my worked controller $about =...
I am trying Laravel Horizon for demo and for installing I followed the official docs and everything...
I'm having a problem and not sure what to do. I've already managed to create the login then redirect...
Hey Guys how can i create this fields as dynamic fields in laravel plz help me <label for="name_d...
i want to know when the directory contains traits should be named under namespace of Traits or Conce...
After fill data and press register button http://joxi.ru/EA4pyLjcD9p15A I got error http://joxi.ru/5...
Laravel Version: 5.5.11 PHP Version: 7.1 Database Driver & Version: MySQL Description: I have...
Hi! I have a relationship with Users and Events. Its a one to one. But I am trying to return all use...
While saving uploaded file with unicode character as filename using move function, it saved filename...
Hello to everyone, I really need help. I have a laravel project and I moved the whole project from m...
I am trying to create thumbnail image with the Laravel file storage system , but it does not work wi...
Laravel Version: 5.4 PHP Version: 7.0.22 Database Driver & Version: MySQL & 5.7.19 Descrip...
Hi, In the past month this has been my side project (just for fun). https://github.com/larsjanssen6/...
I am testing that a file is remove after a response download as below: UploadedFile::fake() ->...
Laravel Version: 5.5.14 PHP Version: 7.1.10 Description: When I try to POST with X-Requested-With=...
I have deployed Laravel REST API app on Server. I am using VUEJS for frontend and Laravel Passport....
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hi everybody, I 've got an error after deployment of laravel project:``` Everything work in local, i...
Using the "laravel new [project]" in my GitBash used to work. Now i'm getting 12 Problems...
Hi everybody, I just started studyng the fabulous world of automated testing. Main concepts seems pr...
For for few modules which has heavy data I need to use the Phalcon framework. So if anybody knows ho...
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