I am using the file cache for an in office application which has about 5 users. The cache is workin...
Hi All, My restful controllers in the routes.php use lots of memory in Laravel 4.1. This standard? I...
I would like to be able to display a status message count on every view of a site that I'm developin...
Hi, I am trying to implement some basic database caching but I am running into some difficulties. I...
Hi all I have a slight issue ive extended the UrlGenerator class as explained in the documents to us...
Let's say i'm submitting multiple Job to Queue with the same Job name. But while one job is processe...
By default blade caches its compiled views in {storage_path}/views. I've made sure that this directo...
$cookie = Session::put('test','selected'); $test = Session::get('test'); dd($test); I'm getting sele...
<?php echo $users->appends(array('sort' => 'votes'))->links(); ?> I do a GET form sub...
$cookie = Cookie::forever('test','selected') $test = Cookie::get('test'); dd($test); I'm getting NUL...
Is there a way to use the Cache class to cache API calls like in my example below? I don't see anywa...
Hi, Let's say a User belongsTo a Language, and to make it simple here's the controller (no repo) : $...
I use Simplepi as artisan command for red feed . for setteing simplepie i need the relative address...
#1. Database vs File System I've done a lot of researching on this and am finding pros and cons for...
Hi, I installed php-debugbar and this is the output I get. select * from `pages`133μs256KB3000000005...
Hi In yii, we could use cache dependency. For example: $sql = 'SELECT * FROM tbl_post LIMIT 20'; $de...
My app often needs data about different categories on different places of the application, so I put...
I have built a business application using Laravel that utilizes several very large datasets. There i...
Hi all, I have a problem witch cache. I get exception when i try to add tags to cache... Cache::tags...
How can I try to using cache for all of Eloquent query. Example: $users = User::remember(10)->get...
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