Hi Im trying to send an array of data so I can destroy the IDs beeing sent in the array. I have a Ja...
Hi, I am trying to format drop down lists items while using lists, SiteSession::where('company_id','...
Hi, I want to set a session value using session_put in a ajax request and then after that I want to...
Hi all, I have setup a repository to create a new resident. <?php namespace Crescent\Repos;...
I have a form that consists of check boxes. Each check box has it's own value(value1,value2,value3,v...
I have an upload script that has a fall back to flash which doesn't pass the session, instead i can...
I am using Goutte with Guzzle + Dom Crawler to create a webscraper in Laravel. I would like to crawl...
I'm getting this error, and not sure why! I have the following form: {{ Form::open( [ 'url' => '...
I just started laravel and going through the docs to get acquainted with the framework i just cant s...
How much security is abstracted into laravel's file uploader? Is it still recommended to re-save the...
Hi I am trying to include a {{ Form::text }} inside an inline javascript is this possible or I just...
Works in html with <button type="submit" id="btnEditar" class="btn-info btn-mini"><i class=...
In Laravel doc, a validator can be defined as follows... $validator = Validator::make( array(...
Hi, is possible to return the input value instead of the :attribute in the error messages? Thanks
I'm having a problem with a closure within my controller. In my view, I have a link to the controll...
Hey I'm wanting to use JavaScript and Laravel/PHP to create a continuously updating statistics panel...
Hello, I created a Facade that overwrites Input::get, Input::all. I want to write a unit test for th...
Here is my User model. I would like to set two fields when the user registers for the first time. A...
Hi, I need some help with handling array validation from form data. I have a form which has fields n...
Hi all, what's the best way to implement a upload image with progress bar? thanks
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