Hi! I'm a little confused with the blade @foreach loop: I have a table that shows a list of car make...
I've a lots of models like User, Order, .... I want to write dynamic filter associated with request...
Hi, We have a Laravel job which uses Eloquent to generate formated data for caching. The job hits th...
Hello, I need to run queries to my eloquent models using some parser using FIQL or RQL syntax. Can s...
How would I get a list of active Users plus a User that might be soft-deleted? Say, a salesperson is...
Hello everyone I'm currently working on a laravel project where I have a parent table that has the i...
Hello, I Want To Update My Database Column Of Checkbox On Checked & Unchecked, Want Will Be The...
Hi i have in my database a table with the following fields: $table->decimal('sale_price')...
Product belongs to many postings, and I want to sum multiple columns. This example working correctly...
Hello, I've been using a tool for the last decade which allows me to create an ERD for my projects:...
I am creating 2 dropdown with department and specialty. Specialty is linked with Department. When sa...
As part of a Laravel project, I plan to create a site that allows users to add video games to their...
try to use following in Laravel 6 but the 'relations_type' column in 'contactable' table does not re...
DB::table("rates") ->selectRaw("sum (datediff( day, case when $start_date > sta...
I using eloquent model in lumen scheduler but show error Call to a member function connection() on n...
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I have a project model where I want to associate roles and then users. The roles is a subset of the...
After I update my model, the cast is ignored and an old value that comes from classCastCache is show...
https://github.com/bastinald/laravel-automatic-migrations Laravel Automatic Migrations Automatic mig...
Hi everyone, name is Lucas, first post here and I'm learning Laravel and loving it. I'm working in a...
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I saw this thread from 7 years ago and thought I should update the answer. To improve on viquanghoa...
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