Dear, fellow artisan! I have some problem integrating hyn/multi-tenant and spatie/laravel-event-proj...
I have 170+ tests and after 152 i have error [1040] Too many connections In my tests i use DatabaseT...
Hello! We have been using Dusk for browser testing for a while now and everything was fine so far. W...
I am trying to create a unit test for my db seeder, which looks like this: <?php use Illuminate\...
How to write unit test in laravel 5.6. I am using repository pattern. My app performsemphasized text...
When I use Factories in a test class in phpunit, field value doesn't insert into database. It return...
So I've been going through a lot of the testing tutorials on the net, especially on LaraCast, and ha...
I have an artisan command that requests data from an external API and stores that information in my...
I can't workout why I cannot override the values specified in my ModelFactory.php file, from within...
Before I start, I ask politely, that you forgive me as I struggle to put things into words. Sufferin...
Hi all, I am having a hard time to test my rest api app, I think the main reason is because of https...
I have a class that extends TestCase. I had a setUp() that was doing a $this->call(...) and then...
Hi guys I'm due to give a training on agile software development in PHP in a couple of weeks - not L...
Hello guys , does some one could help me ? I am developing a real estate website , something like th...
I want to create fake session for dummy user in Test
Hi Folks! I'm using Laravel Valet for the quick preview of my project. But now whenever I'm trying t...
Laravel Version: 5.5.11 PHP Version: 7.1 Database Driver & Version: MySQL Description: I have...
Hi Guys! I have a controller with a create method that returns a view which doesn't exist. I get the...
I am testing that a file is remove after a response download as below: UploadedFile::fake() ->...
Hi everybody, I just started studyng the fabulous world of automated testing. Main concepts seems pr...
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