I am running Laravel 9.41.0 but my Composer is just at 2.0.7 and is showing me some deprecation mess...
I'm trying to view details of a property that I registered in the bank and I'm getting this error me...
I reduced the pdf file size in laravel using configuration 'enable_font_subsetting ' = true and I am...
This is a thought on old thread paginate-an-eager-loaded-relationship that I can't comment anymore,...
PHP 8.1.4 Apache/2.4.53 Laravel Framework 9.33.0 I am trying to add messages error in every valida...
Hi, I could really use the ability to set an argument to a relationship function from a method such...
My site loads a full 404 page for any missing images. I want to reduce the server load and just have...
I want to export the data from the Datatables to excel or CSV files. I have been searching for more...
vanny2000 liked this thread
We need laravel chat module some things like WhatsApp where you can group chat, single chat, video c...
I am facing difficulty to download laragon. laragon.org is down
While working on a new office project about how to handle traffic light issues in smaller cities, I...
Laravel Version: ^9.27 PHP Version: 8.1 Database Driver & Version: Postgresql 14.X Description...
I'm writing open source twitch-like esports platform called Glitch, repo is here, and I am have prob...
I currently have an application running Laravel as an API and a SPA app as the frontend, they reside...
Hi, I'm using queued mails, and I would like to move the mail job to failed jobs table when an error...
I am writing an open source esports Twitch like project and I am having a problem trying to deploy w...
I am having an issue with my hasOneThrough() relationship. When trying to eager load the relationshi...
What does the future of Laravel development look like?
public function update(Request $request, $id) { $siapakami = Weboption::findOrFail($id);...
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